Resilient Layers

Check Your Pantry

Rashad Season 1 Episode 2

In this episode, Rashad Hayes discusses the importance of forgiveness and how it can lead to personal growth and healing. He emphasizes the need to forgive oneself and let go of past pain to move forward. Hayes also highlights the role of understanding in forgiveness and how it can help individuals become better versions of themselves. He encourages listeners to use their experiences as ingredients for growth and to build a strong foundation for personal development. The episode concludes with a call to action to take responsibility and do the work necessary for self-improvement.


  • Forgiveness is essential for personal growth and healing.
  • Understanding oneself and the reasons behind hurtful experiences is crucial for forgiveness.
  • Using pain as an ingredient for growth can lead to becoming a better version of oneself.
  • Taking action and putting in the work are necessary for self-improvement.